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Relationship Problems | 12 Most Common Factors that Can Destroy a Relationship

Relationship Problems | 12 Most Common Factors that Can Destroy a Relationship
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Are you also suffering from the problems in your relationship? Is it increasing day by day and you just don’t know how to deal with it? If you are also feeling the same way, don’t worry as you are not alone.

A relationship without any issues is just like a childhood without any mistakes in it. There are problems in every single relationship. Relationship Problems are very common nowadays. Our focus should be there on the fact that how to understand it and accordingly fix it.

From the research conducted from time to time, it has been observed that few very common relationship problems are there which lies in almost every relationship. If you also want to fix these issues you first have to learn to identify them. Here in this article, we will discuss the most common relationship problems one by one so that you could also identify them in your own relationship.

  1. Ego: Ego is a very small word the impact it creates in a relationship is not at all negligible. Ego is all restricted to “me” only but a relationship should always stand for “ourselves.” It’s your ego which never let you come back to your partner after any disputation. It’s your ego only which never let you understand your own mistake and let you say sorry to your partner. If there is ego in you, it will drastically affect all your decisions and without even your knowledge, it will kill your relationship silently.
  1. Communication Gap: Inadequate communication is one of the major problems not only in long distance relationships but in all other relationships as well. There usually be a lot of incidents where we do everything to make our relationships perfect but just due to communication gape everything gets destroyed. We should also understand that proper communication is not only about speaking but also equally about listening to another one. Thus, it’s very important to have no communication gaps between you and your partner to have a healthy relationship.
Relationship Problems
It is an image of relationship problems from Pexels
  1. Superiority Complex: Thinking oneself superior in a relationship doesn’t make you superior at all. If you are actually superior, it should be reflected in the eyes of your partner and not in your own attitude. Imposing your superiority on your partner only makes you inferior in their eyes and nothing else. So, don’t ever impose your superiority on your partner and treat them as an equal companion of yours.
    If you are also suffering from the superiority complex of your partner, check out this article.
  1. Lack of Appreciation: Do you ever appreciate your partner for the little works they perform well? Like, maybe, cooking good food for you, planning surprises for you, or even for being there at the moment you want them the most. If you don’t please change this habit because it actually matters and encourages the other one to do more such kind of things for you. If you will never appreciate them, they will gonna lose their interest and then there would be no special activities in your relationship. So, do appreciate them for their works as it doesn’t require a single penny.
  1. Dishonest Behaviour: Do you also speak lie to your partner to hide things and to make undesirable situations desirable. And you think that you are really good at it because you are successfully doing these things for a long time. But let me tell you one thing. Before continuing these activities you must have to analyze what you are going to lose in case of failure. You are going to lose something which you couldn’t recover back in your whole life and that is the TRUST in the eyes of your partner. And once you will lose the trust you will also lose the relationship in the long run.


  1. Unrealistic Expectations: Expectations from anyone always hurts. But when we are talking about our better half, it automatically comes into the picture. But which kind of expectation do you have from your partner? Is it something genuine or something unrealistic and unachievable?
    Your expectations create a burden on your partner, the burden to succeed on your expectations, the burden to make you happy. But if your expectations are unrealistic or too difficult to achieve, it will make your partner fill inferior or under too much pressure for being in the relationship.

Relationship Problems | 12 Most Common Factors that Can Destroy a Relationship

  1. Lack of Enthusiasm: Are you showing interest in your partner’s area of interest. Or you are focused about your own interests only? Being in a relationship means to shift your thought process from “myself” to “ourselves.” Be enthusiastic, give equal importance to your partner’s area of interest as well. It will provide strength to your relationship.
  1. Criticism: Criticism is very rarely constructive in a relationship. Criticizing your partner puts them on a defensive mode where they could never understand anything that you try to explain. Rather you criticizing, you should communicate in a different way for far better results. Instead of saying “you are rude” you should say “if you will adopt little softness in your attitude, you will be the best partner one could ever have.” This kind of communication skills will improve the chances to eliminate one of the relationship problems in your case.
  1. Lack of Balance in Personal and Work life: Personal life and personal relationships are equally important as work life. We work to earn to leave our lives. And life is nothing but a collection of our relations, our dear ones, our dreams, and desires. Thus, sacrificing personal life due to the influence of work is not at all recommended until the situations are in your control.
  1. Lack of Independence: Being in a relationship doesn’t ever mean to lose own independence. People who want their partner to think and act according to them are doing a highly unhealthy practice. People should always have the freedom to think and act according to their own will. They are don’t even have these basic rights, they are not in a relationship but in an emotional prison where they could never live happily.
    So, don’t let your relationship become one of that at any cost. Give respect to your partner’s independence equally as you give your own.
  1. Presence of Personal Interest: You must have heard that love is unconditional. There should not be any condition or personal interest. Just ask a small question to yourself, “Are you there in the relationship to fulfill any of your personal interest?” If the answer is yes, I am sorry to say but you are not in love with that person but in the need of that person. And where there is a need there is no love as love simply means not to expect anything in return. So, if you are there just to fulfill your own personal interest your relationship is not going to live long.

Relationship Problems

  1. The Secret Identity: Are you completely transparent to your partner or hiding any secret second identity within you? Are there any secrets in your relationship? If yes, you are again going to risk one of the most vital aspects of an ideal love relationship that is TRUST. You have to understand that it is something one couldn’t take the risk with. And if you are taking risk of losing the trust, you are taking risk of losing your relationship. So, if you really care about your relationship, do not ever take risk of losing your relationship.

If you are still reading this article that means you really care about your relationship. Hope this article will help you improve your relationship by avoiding the common relationship problems mentioned above in this article. If you find this article helpful, please leave a comment below. It helps us to improve ourselves. Thank you for reading this article!!

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